A Once and Future Portrait of DTLA
Between September and November of 2019, we asked 3,656 residents, workers, and visitors for their thoughts and opinions on Downtown LA in our DTLA 2020 Survey: who they are, what they want, how they feel, and more. We at the Downtown Center Business Improvement District (DCBID) have gathered this information for the past 14 years to paint a detailed portrait of the city and its people, which in turn helps shape our plans and programs.
The survey results showed enthusiasm for Downtown Los Angeles was high, with 80% of residents feeling passionate about DTLA and 70% of residents and workers feeling like they were part of the Downtown community. More than half of the residents had moved to DTLA within the last five years. In addition, 71% felt Downtown was moving in the right direction, and it was – the neighborhood was thriving and 2020 was just around the corner, full of promise.

A lot has happened since then.
The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted everyone, and many things have changed. It is within this current environment that we are releasing the results of our survey. While some of the data may not seem as relevant in the current moment, the very strengths of Downtown that are reflected in this survey are the ones that will enable DTLA to survive this crisis and thrive in recovery from it, as have great cities throughout history.
Survey results showed Downtowners as passionate, knowledgeable, committed to their neighborhood, and optimistic about its future. In the past few months, we have witnessed this commitment in action with countless members of the DTLA community coming together: to support local businesses, to share resources, to celebrate healthcare workers, and so much more.
While the world we knew last fall is different now, let us look at the DTLA 2020 Survey Report as a reminder of where we have been so we can pave a road forward together. To help chart this path, we are launching a new study called the DTLA Recovery Compass. We will engage with the community to ask how its members are feeling on an ongoing basis – their thoughts, concerns, struggles, and hopes – as we carefully move forward. By comparing the new data with the findings in our DTLA 2020 Survey, we will be able to track and monitor Downtown’s recovery and keep you informed of progress as it occurs.
In the meantime, as we continue to navigate this challenging environment, let us all show our strength by prioritizing our health and the well-being of our neighbors. Support others by wearing a face covering, keeping a respectful distance, and washing your hands. By following simple safety measures, you can do your part in keeping countless individuals and businesses safe. The community working together for everyone’s safety is key to Downtown’s recovery.
The DTLA 2020 Survey captured a moment in time: a portrait of a vibrant and flourishing Downtown before COVID-19. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know the Downtown community will work together to heal and rebuild, and with more enthusiasm and passion for DTLA than ever before.
Learn about DTLA demographics, attitudes and behaviors, quality of life issues, and more in the DTLA 2020 Survey Report.