Reports & Research
Market Information and Business Insight for Downtown LA
Independent research and reports across key sectors of the Downtown LA market provide crucial data and analysis for developers, investors, and businesses when assessing the DTLA environment.
Quarterly Market Report
Tracking the Transformation of DTLA
Our Quarterly Market Report provides a comprehensive overview of the state of office, residential, retail, and hospitality markets for Downtown LA, with key statistics and transactions, market trends and insights, and the pipeline of projects proposed and under construction in each sector.
DTLA 2025: Outlook & Insights
Our 2025 report focusing on our city center's current state and its position in the region, nation, and world - and to understand what that all means for its future.
DTLA Works Office Space Guide
A Guide to The Future of Office in Downtown Los Angeles
For brokers, property owners and prospective tenants, this Office Guide provides all you need to know about the Downtown market.
DTLA Residential Report
A Guide to the Residential Market in Downtown Los Angeles
This report provides a comprehensive examination of the current residential market in DTLA and a detailed assessment of opportunities for its on-going development.
DTLA Hospitality Report
Our inaugural Hospitality Report explores why Downtown has become THE place to stay when visiting Los Angeles. DTLA has become a major center for hospitality and tourism. Since 1999, the number of hotel rooms has doubled to over 10,000 with the arrival of a variety of new brands and concepts.
DTLA Retail Report
From Pop-Ups to National Brands
For retailers, brokers and property owners interested in the dynamic DTLA market, the Downtown LA Retail Report provides useful stats, trends and demographics, along with profiles of its unique districts, highlighting major projects, key corridors, what’s hot, and what opportunities are on the horizon.
Downtown LA Arts & Culture Report
Bringing the City to Life!
The heart and soul of DTLA, the vibrant Arts & Culture scene has been a driving force in Downtown LA’s renaissance. Learn how the galleries, museums, eclectic nightlife, and foodie culture of DTLA make it a truly world-class city.
The Value of Downtowns
This report was developed by the International Downtown Association calculating the value of Downtown Los Angeles. No city or region can succeed without a strong downtown, the place where compactness and density bring people, capital and ideas together in ways that build the economy, opportunity, community and identity.