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Arts District

Pickle Works Building

The Pickle Works Building was built in 1888 for the California Vinegar & Pickle Company, later known as the James K. Hill & Sons Company. As with many industrial structures, the building was expanded over time, in several phases, until around 1909. The additions used the same structural wood frame system with brick masonry walls and matching design details.
A variety of tenants have occupied various portions of the building throughout its history. In the 1980s and ’90s, it was known as the Citizens Warehouse and Art Dock, housing contemporary artists.
In 2005, the Pickle Works Building was determined eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places as a rare, surviving example of a Victorian-era brick industrial building. -SOURCE: LA CONSERVANCY

Building Information

Status: Completed (Pre-99)

Gross Sq Ft: 88,105

Number of Stories: 2

Date Opened: 1903

LEED Certification: Not Certified


Office Sq Ft: 88105

Office Class: B

Pickle Works Building
1001 E 1st St
Los Angeles, CA 90012